Ingredients :
1 part of raspberries
1 part of white wine vinegar 7%
Yep, that's it. So basically, measure your volume of berries and add the same amount in vinegar. A good advice is to use a tall glass jar rather than a bottle, as it can be challenging to empty it later. Trust me on that…
Leave it on the window sill for 5 weeks. Turn it every now and then to mix it. After 5 weeks, you can either sift it and have in bottles in the fridge, or simply leave the berries in it and place it in the fridge.
I recommend it especially for making salad dressings, it's divine !
PS : This year, I have also tried black currant vinegar for the first time. We'll all see in 5 weeks if the experiment turned out a success or a funny learning story.