Have you noticed what's new ? yes, there, up on the menu bar !
We now have a journal ! Under that page, you'll have all the news and stories we have to tell along the way.
They will be organized into different categories, so that you won’t have it too difficult to navigate between the posts.
Otherwise, we had probably one of the biggest thunderstorms lately. The whole house shaked with thunder. Fortunately, there were no casualties in the garden, although the baby swallows might have had a frightening night! On the bright side, our water tank is filled to the top again. That will come handy when the sun hits us again.
We’re still looking for a cover crop as they call it, which is a plant that could cover the ground without being too predatory towards others (both above and underground). Whether it’s edible is a bonus. Right now, we are more concerned with protecting the ground from heavy rain and hard sunlight.
Any ideas ? Please contact us !